Seek and Diverge
Cycling started as a way to get exercise, but it has morphed into something that keeps me sane in these insane times
Published: 10 Sep 2020
Topics: Cycling, Life
TL;DR: I like riding a bike and I think you might too.
I passed over 10,000 miles today on my 2015 Specialized Diverge. It took about five years to get to this point. This is not a particularly significant feat (I know people that ride 10,000 miles each year) but it is a milestone worth celebrating.
Miles and Miles of Smiles
Purchased at the end of 2014 from Sunshine Bike Shop (logo designed by myself and Adam Bowlin back in the day) when I lived in Missouri, it was one of the first Diverges off the boat in the United States.
It has seen burning-hot asphalt, mud, gravel, snow, river crossings, mountains above 14,000 feet, and most of the bike paths of western Denver. I’ve spent many miles in solitude and many miles with good friends on this bike.

Stability in Unpredictable Times
Cycling started as a way to get exercise, but it has morphed into something that keeps me sane in these insane times. The year 2020 has been so intense, so challenging, so depressing, so unstable. But riding my bike gives me stability, it reminds me that some things can still be enjoyed for the pure feeling of it and nothing more.
I’ve been asked what I think about when I’m riding, and honestly, I normally don’t think about anything at all. It’s the one time that my brain stops racing, ironically, and I can simply appreciate the movement of my body in motion.

The Part Where Doug Gets a Bit Cosmic
In my opinion, the bicycle is one of humankind’s best inventions. It’s a machine powered by your own muscles that can take you anywhere. With enough sweat and determination, you can go buy groceries or climb an entire mountain.
Whenever I see a person on a bicycle, I feel the tiniest spark of humanity and hope for this world. Maybe there is still a chance we make it out alive?

So go ride a bike. Whether it is one mile or 10,000 miles, it will be good for your soul.